Dr. Rocio Martinez Lopez

Postdoctoral research fellow in Early Modern History

Department of Early Modern History

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Research fellow in Early Modern History.

Current project(s)

I am currently researching the problem of Charles II of Spain's succession and how it influenced the Spanish Monarchy's diplomatic relationship with Bavaria and the Empire. I am also studying the reigns of Charles II and Leopold I at large, the importance of Maximilian II Emanuel in the Europe of the second half of XVIIth century and women's right of succession in the different royal houses of Europe in the XVI and XVII centuries.



-“La infanta se ha de casar con quien facilite la paz o disponga los medios para la guerra”. Las negociaciones para la realización del matrimonio entre la infanta María Teresa y Leopoldo I (1654-1657)”. Article published in the journal Revista de Historia Moderna. Anales de la Universidad de Alicante, 33 (2015), pp. 79-99.

-“The Infanta will marry the person who provides the Peace or the one who gives us the means to continue the War”. The negotiations for the marriage between the Infanta Maria Teresa of Austria and Emperor Leopold I (1654-1657)”, Royal Studies Journal, Vol. 3, nº1, pp. 6-27.

--“Queen Maria Anna of Neuburg (1667-1740) and the austracist myth: her secret treaty with Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria”, paper presented in the international symposium titled “Gender and Diplomacy: Women and Men in European and Ottoman Embassies from the 15th to the 18th century”, held by the Don Juan Archiv and the Wien Universität in Vienna in March 2016. In print by the name “Consequences of the dynastic crises of the seventeenth century in the matrimonial market and their influence in the European international policy. The case of Maria Anna of Neuburg”, en Anderson, Roberta, Suner, Suna y Eisendle, Reinhard (coords.), “Gender and Diplomacy: Women and Men in European and Ottoman Embassies from the 15th to the 18th century”, Vienna, Hollitzer Publishing, 2017.

Areas of research

Diplomatic and political history of the XVIIth century, especially linked to the Spanish Monarchy, the Empire and France.

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic